Find more resources related to opioid use disorder, treatment, and recovery by clicking to expand each topic below:

Opioids and Opioid Use Disorder

General Information

Pregnancy and Opioid Use Disorder


Susan’s Brain: The Science of Addiction
Created by Harvard Health Publications and National Geographic, this video describes what happens in the brain when someone takes opioids, and what happens in the brain during opioid use disorder. (Content warning: this video contains a depiction of someone falling from a bicycle and breaking their wrist, which may be upsetting for some viewers.)

The Science of Opioid Addiction and Treatment
This video from PBS’s series Nova provides an overview of what opioids are, why people are hard wired to respond to them, what addiction is, and how the treatment medications methadone and buprenorphine work. (3 minutes PBS)

Medications for Opioid Use Disorder in Washington State
Crisis Intervention

If you are in an emergency now, CALL 911.

  • Washington Poison Center: 1-800-222-1222
    24-hour expert treatment advice on exposures to poisonous, hazardous, or toxic substances.
  • 24-hour Crisis Line: 1-866-4-CRISIS  (1-866-427-4747)
    Immediate help for those in emotional crisis. Referrals to appropriate services. Primary link for Seattle-King County residents to emergency mental health services.
  • King County Crisis Line: Dial 2-1-1  or 1-800-621-4636 (M-F 8am-6pm)
  • Teen Link: 1-866-833-6546 (evenings 6-10pm). Confidential and anonymous help line for teens.
Drug and Alcohol Treatment and Support
Services for People Who Use Drugs
Resources for Professionals

Resources from ADAI


  • Curated Library for Opioid Use Decision Makers (CLOUD)
  • DrugTalk: Hosted by Michelle Peavy, PhD, this podcast from ADAI brings together information from addiction research and experiences from people in the know: people who use drugs, care providers, and professionals. The first episode, on teen opioid use, was released in November 2021. Only one episode of this was produced; listen to the episode here (mp3).

Medications for Opioid Use Disorder


Pregnancy and OUD

Video Library from the AIMS Center at UW

  • Find the videos here. Technical assistance on buprenorphine prescribing for clinicians, providers, and patient navigators.