Medications are proven to work the best at treating opioid use disorder. They help:
- Manage craving and withdrawal,
- Reduce illicit opioid use,
- Decrease the risk of having an overdose.
Medications can provide stability, allowing you to address other things in your life. This graph shows how people feel on opioids initially, when use is disordered, and when they are stabilized on the treatment medications methadone or buprenorphine:

You can be in recovery and be on medications at the same time.
You may also want counseling or other recovery supports. Learn more about those here.
What medications are used to treat OUD?
Treatment settings
There are three places where you can get medications for opioid use disorder:

If you’re ready for treatment and/or recovery supports, or just want to learn more, connect with the Washington Recovery Help Line: 1-866-789-1511 (toll free, WA only) 206-461-3219 (TTY). 24-hour referrals to WA state.